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all weather placarding

Posted under Miscellanea at .

I’m half asleep . . . maybe one-side-of-brain basis, not sure. Some part of me is trying to sleep, the other is trying to find solutions to random real or unreal problems. This is normal.

So tonight’s problem is: Placards. I loathe placards. I have always loathed placards for being so damn awkward. I have a few of them in the loft above my half asleep head that I made about thirty years ago and put out of harm’s reach because they were so damn useless. That’s about the last time I ever carried a placard.

But the problem solving halfbrain has an idea. I want to design a placard that is a piece of fabric stretched on a collapsable frame of some kind of spokes, like a foldaway umbrella, with a telescoping pole. It will fold down into a simple package that you can carry in your pocket. The fabric can be silkscreened and replaced for every new issue you need to wave a placard about. Or use semipermanent paints, and it can be washed and redrawn. One day, electric; upload the message/picture.

And it can also be used as an umbrella if you live places where umbrellas are safe to carry.

Now I have to stop thinking about this or the other side of my brain will get involved. Sleeeeep.

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