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Korg SD pictures

Posted under Musical Technology at .
Tags:photographs, musical equipment, Korg, SD‑200, SD‑400, BBD

Side by side shots of the Korg SD delays, the -200 opened for comparison while I convert the -400 for 240V.

Korg SD-400 and SD-200 front panels

The SD-400 (brown) has the bypass, short/long delay option, swell, and ADT settings, but no tone control. I haven’t quite worked out which I prefer; the -400 seems to have a fixed filter; it’s smoother than the SD-200 (silver) on simple delays, unless you turn the -200 tone down. Maybe the -200 is better for harsher delays. The only online technical information I’ve found for them suggests they have roughly the same range of 30–400ms for the -200 and 25–400ms for the -400. Presumably the -400 should go lower on its Short setting, but it’s the same as the -200 on its Long setting. In practice, comparing these two, the -400 gets up to around 10% longer delay, but that could just be a calibration thing on one of them.

Korg SD 200 and 400 open

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