sigh sierra
Posted under Other Technology at .
I had occasion a few days ago to install MacOS 10.12 on an old laptop, and encountered an error message at what seemed to be the end of the process. Spent half an hour trying to see whether this was a known problem. It’s a little confusing because this was a fresh installation rather than an upgrade, and I found several references to failure messages in upgrades and ideas for how to fix the problem, as this was apparently quite common with 10.12, but not for new install.
Armed with a few very unlikely seeming ideas I restarted the machine intending to wipe the drive and start again . . . and then realised that the error message seemed to have come up at the point where the installer tried to load a message to say, we’re done for now and please restart to complete the installation. And it completed the installation. This took a while but it’s now up and running.
(I say it took a while but really it took far less time than it used to, swapping floppy disks in and out. It just seemed longer since there was nothing to do but watch.)