photographs: photographs I’ve taken and posted here mostly for their own sake, rather than to illustrate a point
Pages Tagged ‘photographs’
- That Time of Year
2023-10-29 14:27
encounter with an unexpected froglet - later gosling
2023-08-15 12:26
One of this year’s brood finding out about the world. - morning goose
2023-08-11 16:41
A goose came over the fence the other morning. - Red Dock
2022-08-29 15:38
hot year red leaves - Korg SD pictures
2022-02-10 18:10
just some pictures of delays - Another Bird in the Hand
2020-12-16 15:50
Birds in hands are an excellent photographic subject. Cheep if you agree. - Evening Waxwing
2020-11-20 19:50
a bird in the bush - Greylags in May
2020-05-09 09:57
the visitors are back - Still Moth
2019-08-23 23:11